Friday, January 21, 2011 resource site comming soon - Everything you need to know about receiving a Bridge Card for Food Stamp benefits in Michigan

Bridge Card - Michigan EBT food stamp Card Community

How do I apply for a Bridge Card to receive food stamp benefits in Michigan? Can I get a Bridge card as a student? If I'm working but still have difficulty paying for my grocery needs - what can i do? What if I applied for a Bridge Card or to get food stamps and was denied? What do i do if my caseworker is overburndebed with general questions calls and I need answers now?

These and many more questions will now be answered soon at , a complete resource guide to learn about applying for food stamp benefits, answers to common questions, and help with applying for a Michigan Bridge card or Michigan EBT card online, according to site developers. It will be an all-in-one resource website to answer common questions - provide links to agencies and helpful resources to assist those in Michigan that are lower income - and much needed help to buffer the calls to overworked case workers that are sometimes overburdened in today's challenging economic times - with a DIY and forum solutions.

We'll post it here when the site is opened as it is currently forwarded to  , the site developing for those that Already have a Bridge Card.

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