Friday, January 21, 2011 resource site comming soon - Everything you need to know about receiving a Bridge Card for Food Stamp benefits in Michigan

Bridge Card - Michigan EBT food stamp Card Community

How do I apply for a Bridge Card to receive food stamp benefits in Michigan? Can I get a Bridge card as a student? If I'm working but still have difficulty paying for my grocery needs - what can i do? What if I applied for a Bridge Card or to get food stamps and was denied? What do i do if my caseworker is overburndebed with general questions calls and I need answers now?

These and many more questions will now be answered soon at , a complete resource guide to learn about applying for food stamp benefits, answers to common questions, and help with applying for a Michigan Bridge card or Michigan EBT card online, according to site developers. It will be an all-in-one resource website to answer common questions - provide links to agencies and helpful resources to assist those in Michigan that are lower income - and much needed help to buffer the calls to overworked case workers that are sometimes overburdened in today's challenging economic times - with a DIY and forum solutions.

We'll post it here when the site is opened as it is currently forwarded to  , the site developing for those that Already have a Bridge Card.

Bridge Card recipient payment Dates Changing again.........

Bridge Card / Michigan EBT Card Community
For those receiving food stamp benefits in Michigan, the new year brings about more changes other than just your new years resolutions. Originally everyone received benefits from the first of the month until the ninth, Then a change from the third to the tenth. And now changes monthly until the end of the year 2011. The day of the month paid will now be based on your recipient I.D. Number and at the end of the year benefit payment dates will now range from the third to the twenty first of each month.

Be sure to use you recipient I.D number and not your case number or there will be confusion at the checkout.

Proponents (large grocers) say it will help to maintain fresh fruit and vegetables throughout the month as opposed to large purchases made at the first of each month and staffing and inventory overages for the end of the month.

What do you think? Post you opinion here or for facebook users

My Bridge Card Community now on Facebook

Michigan EBT Food stamp EBT Card Community
If you already have a Bridge Card or receive food stamp benefits in Michigan - join one of the fastest growing online communities, enter the drawings for free cash and prizes with no purchases required. For FaceBook users simply go to and select "like" to add yourself to the community - then register your card at where indicated.